Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day

I went up to Vaughan yesterday to my dad's friend's house. They were hosting a get together. I didn't really do anything there. I played Rock Band, ate food, watched TV, and that was basically it. The girl who lives there, T, is a childhood friend of mine. We talked but it was... in a formal manner. We used to be so close - her, my sister, and I - but then things changed and we changed and I guess our bond faded with time. To be blunt: it was sad to see how friendships can wither away. (︶︹︺)

At 10PM, Wonderland was setting off fireworks and I got to see it from the balcony. When they ended, the adults started karaoking to some. At around 11:30PM, after many attempts of bribery and pleading, my dad agreed that it was time to go home. All was going swell in the car until my very drunk dad said something that ticked off my mom. They started arguing and the atmosphere got really tense. I hope they settle things out. I hate it when they argue. ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ

Anywho, I should be asleep but I felt the need to write a new post. It's been awhile since I last updated because of my trip to the cottage. Speaking of that, I'll write up a post of my trip later today - hopefully. And that will conclude this post. (⌒▽⌒)☆

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