Thursday, August 16, 2012


I just woke up from a nightmare. It wasn't anything about monsters. It involved someone I really cared about. They didn't die or anything. They left me. They left me for someone else and they didn't give me a real reason. I asked them why and they said they had always been like this. There were parts that made no sense now that I think about it but I was more focused on the nightmare. It seemed so real, too. I woke up crying and that's never happened to me before. I called up this person and they told me that would never happen but I'm not sure. I don't know what to think at this point. I've left out specific parts of the nightmare for personal reasons.

Monday, August 6, 2012


So a few days ago, my family and I went to a provincial park to go swimming. We didn't like the beach area because it was crowded so we went to a different section. This section was nice and the water was very clear. The only problem was that it was very rocky and there were many snails and small clams attached to the rocks. We didn't think much of it and before long, all of us were in the water.

After awhile, my parents and my older sister went out of the water. I was left by myself to look after my little sister. I was playing with her and everything was all fine and dandy but then I turned my back on her for ONE FUCKING SECOND and the next thing I knew, she was crying out, "Mommy, I cut myself!" She wasn't kidding. When she got back to shore, her left knee was punctured and it was bleeding.

(SIDE NOTE: A few minutes prior to this, my mom had pointed out that there were sharp shells on the rocks. This was like a premonition and it creeped me out when I thought about it later. ((((;゜Д゜))))

My parents freaked out - or rather, my dad freaked out and blamed it all on me while my mom was calm and collected and said that it was just an accident. And so we packed our things, got back into the van and drove home. After my parents put my older sister and I in charge of looking after the house, they took my little sister to the hospital. When they got back, she had four stitches.

Fortunately, things are back to normal and my dad has calmed down. At this moment, my little sister is watching YouTube videos on the tablet and she's laughing. I'm glad she's doing well. ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Friday, July 27, 2012

Update and Mini Rant

I haven't posted anything new lately and the reason for that is because leadership got in the way. By the end of each day, I was tired. ミ●﹏☉ミ Last week was especially tiring because there were two assignments to do and a test to study for. I would've posted something this week if not for some drama that happened in the drama room. I would've posted something last night if not for some drama in my own home.

But now I have time to spare and I can write in peace without anyone reading over my shoulder as I type. So here goes!

As I type this, it is 5:40AM on Friday, July 27, 2012 which just so happens to be the day I finish leadership! (“⌒∇⌒”) Technically yesterday was the last day but in any case, hurrah! I don't have to deal with the bratty kids - most were nice - anymore. I'm waiting those BKs to come to school and get in trouble with the teachers for their poor attitude. To be honest, if they keep it up, they're not going to graduate.

While we're on the topic of kids, apparently my school is getting 200+ grade nines this year. (ノ゚0゚)ノ~ That's fucking insane. We don't have that many seats in our auditorium. How the fuck are we going to fit everyone in there? щ(゜ロ゜щ) Make people sit on other people's laps? Like, seriously. Also, the third floor will be even more hectic. It's always crowded up there and having 200+ more students isn't going to help. Then there's the lunch room situation. (These kids better not take my lunch table of 3 years. ಠ_ಠ)

That's all I have to say for now. I didn't intend for this post to be so long nor for it to end as a rant but oh well. I'll get back to eating my dinner/breakfast (dinnerfast? breakner? I don't know.) now so ciao! ♥

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Little Sister's Birthday

Today is my little sister's, Val, 10th birthday. I woke up at 8:30PM to bake a vanilla cake with her. Actually, she did most of the work. I just told her what to do. The only part I actually helped in was the part where we put on the chocolate frosting. (´ω`♡%)

At 10AM, her friends arrived. They're two girls named R and J. They played with Val for awhile and when 12PM came, we - the girls, my sisters, my mom, and I - left for the mall. First, we ate (I shared with my older sister) and after that, we went to check out the bookstore.

Everyone went their separate ways from there: the little girls went to the kiddy section with my mom, my older sister, Viv, headed to the teen section, and I went to the writing corner. I picked out a book on writing tips and R and J got one book each. As for Val, she got 5 books. My mom paid for them all. Luckily, one of her students gave her a discount card. ♡^▽^♡

By the time we finished purchasing the books, the time for the movie was close. We bought a few drinks and entered the theatre as soon as possible to snag good seats. We watched Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted and it was surprisingly very good. (^▽^) (I loved Captain Chantel Dubois and Vitaly!)

After that, we bought some sushi, went home, and ate cake. At 7PM, Val's friends went home. Now, as I'm writing this, my mom, Viv, and I are watching a movie called The Shining. It's an 80's movie and it's freaky as fuck. ヽ(;▽;)ノ I should pay more attention to it now so I'll be on my way.

Leadership Course - Week One

Last Tuesday I started my leadership course. I should have made posts for every day since then but I've been too lazy. Instead, I'll use short point forms! ヽ(;▽;)ノ As for this week, I'm hoping to make individual posts for each day. Without further ado, here is how my first four days in my summer course went.

July 3: Tuesday

  • met with my course supervisor, Mr. D, and the other volunteers
  • showed the niners around the school
  • helped serve food in the cafeteria
  • went outside and played games with the niners
  • got a popsicle but it broke and fell on my way home

July 4: Wednesday

  • basically the same as Tuesday

July 5: Thursday

  • accompanied the class I was assigned to
  • did some math activities
  • did some English activities
  • lunch break
  • played volleyball in gym
  • relaxed in tech class

July 6: Friday

  • went to an outdoor field centre
  • played group games
  • tried building a tower out of spaghetti
  • went hiking
  • mistook a boy to be another boy's twin brother OTL

Cottage Trip

Long overdue but here goes!

I was at a cottage from June 24th to June 29th. I went with my family, my uncle, his girlfriend, and their dog, Happy.

From the outside, the cottage looked nice and clean. However, the inside was completely different. The floor was dusty and the washroom set up was completely fucked up. There was a hallway and one of the washrooms was in the center of it. The shower was also a mess. The water pressure was so weak and the water was so hot. I had to stand close to the shower head and shower with cold water. It was awful. (*´;ェ;`*)

The place we rented is right in front of a nice, beautiful lake. The majority of my days were spent inside watching TV. (The weather was too wet for me.) My mom caught a lot of sunfish and bass. She would usually just sit and watch the rest of us fish. Now, it seems that fishing is all she ever wants to do. We also had a peddleboat that we could peddle out on the lake. I went on it with my sister and oh my god, it was torture getting back to the dock. (´;ω;`)

That whole week consisted of us watching TV, going fish, going on the peddleboat, going on the motor boat, playing outside in the yard, hoping no one will open the washroom doors when we're using it, and getting bitten by mosquitoes. Overall it was a fun week. The only downside of going there is that I have a shit ton of Youtube videos to catch up on. Ugh. Σ(-`Д´-ノ;)ノ

Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day

I went up to Vaughan yesterday to my dad's friend's house. They were hosting a get together. I didn't really do anything there. I played Rock Band, ate food, watched TV, and that was basically it. The girl who lives there, T, is a childhood friend of mine. We talked but it was... in a formal manner. We used to be so close - her, my sister, and I - but then things changed and we changed and I guess our bond faded with time. To be blunt: it was sad to see how friendships can wither away. (︶︹︺)

At 10PM, Wonderland was setting off fireworks and I got to see it from the balcony. When they ended, the adults started karaoking to some. At around 11:30PM, after many attempts of bribery and pleading, my dad agreed that it was time to go home. All was going swell in the car until my very drunk dad said something that ticked off my mom. They started arguing and the atmosphere got really tense. I hope they settle things out. I hate it when they argue. ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ

Anywho, I should be asleep but I felt the need to write a new post. It's been awhile since I last updated because of my trip to the cottage. Speaking of that, I'll write up a post of my trip later today - hopefully. And that will conclude this post. (⌒▽⌒)☆