Friday, June 8, 2012

Sixty-Three Percent

Mr. J gave us a quiz on the Hardy-Weinberg Principle. It didn't study for it since it resembled the formula x2 + 2xy + y2 and I got the gist of what we had to do. We then took up some classwork so now all I have to do this weekend is study for a quest on Monday on bacteria, viruses, and protists.

Mr. E handed back our tests. I got 63%. ╥﹏╥ I'm not fazed the slightest since I had a feeling it would be bad but if I tell my parents, they'll flip out. That's why I'm keeping this mark on the down low. In other news, we had to do a lab assignment individually with magnets. It counts for 5% of our mark. I hope I get near perfect so it balances out my crappy test mark.

Ms. A finally gave back our essays. I got a really good mark considering I bs'd the whole thing. We then spent the class going through what to do and what not to do on an essay. It was so boring but apparently it'll come in handy when we begin writing up our independent study unit that's due Monday.

We finished watching 'A Simple Plan.' At the end, Mr. G asked the class the same question I was wondering about yesterday. Σ(゜ロ゜;) Creepy, huh? Since we had 15 minutes to spare, the class went on to talk about relationships. I didn't really pay attention. I blame it all on Brick Breaker.

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