Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunny Day

Today we got our yearbooks and let me tell you, it is amazing. Our editor, let's call her H, designed everything. The cover is beautiful, the pages are organized nicely and most of the pictures are high quality. The title, instead of the standard school name, is "Worth a Thousand Words." I just love it.

I got my close friends and some of my teachers to sign mine. Some 10th graders in my biology class bombarded me when I was going to the BBQ because they saw what I wrote in my friend's sister's yearbook and wanted something like that. I didn't know what to write so I bullshitted it.  (一。一;;)

All in all, it was a pretty good day. Mr. G liked my little gift for him, I got a hotdog and I got to spend time with my gal pals. It would have been even better if I got to spend time with my boyfriend, D, but alas, he had things to do and I was getting tired of waiting for him outside in the hot sun. (;≧皿≦)

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